Please contact IGNITE directly for pricing and availability.
Sophomore Start: “Full Journey” Comprehensive Package
Beginning Summer prior to (or anytime during) client’s High School Sophomore year
Comprehensive packages include unlimited meetings, emails, phone calls as appropriate. Regular working sessions and check-in meetings to be scheduled at the convenience of IGNITE and the Client.
Sophomore Year:
Provide insight into the college admissions process, and a 3-year timeline for preparation
Administer and interpret personal surveys and assessments to explore strengths, interests, and preferences
Advise on academic course planning
Recommend ways to expand extracurricular involvement and set goals for current activities
Brainstorm summer plans and activities
Introduce college and major exploration resources and approaches
Junior Year:
Conduct family check in / planning meeting
Evaluate overall candidate profile from a college admissions perspective
Continue personal surveys and assessments as necessary
Provide ongoing guidance on college list development based on academic profile and personal attributes and preferences
Provide direction to explore colleges both in-person and virtually
Assist with major and career exploration
Advise on standardized testing strategy
Advise on academic course planning
Recommend ways to expand extracurricular involvement and set goals for current activities
Brainstorm summer plans and activities
Discuss strategy for teacher recommendations
Offer resources and guidance on how to navigate the financial aid process (for informational purposes only. IGNITE is not a financial advising company)
Senior Year:
Conduct family meeting to finalize college list (including likely, target, and reach colleges) and application plans (including Early Decision, Early Action, Rolling, and Regular Decision)
With student, develop strengths-based college application themes and strategy
Develop timeline and work plan, and provide project / time management support for the entire application process. Includes a college application organizer and project planning template
Provide overview of Common Application (and/or Coalition Application, institutional applications) components and how to complete them
Assist with personal statement essay (includes topic brainstorming, story line development, and grammatical editing. IGNITE will not write essays for clients)
Assist with college-specific supplemental essays and questions
Assist with development of activities resume
Review completed application materials (all application materials, both online and on paper, must be completed by the client)
Prepare for admissions interviews (if applicable)
Advise on any recommended correspondence with colleges
Provide guidance on college selection after admissions decisions have been made by colleges
Junior Start: “Preparing to Launch” Comprehensive Package
Beginning Summer prior to (or anytime during) client’s High School Junior year
Comprehensive packages include unlimited meetings, emails, phone calls as appropriate. Regular working sessions and check-in meetings to be scheduled at the convenience of IGNITE and the Client.
Junior Year:
Provide insight into the college admissions process, and a 2-year timeline for preparation
Administer and interpret personal surveys and assessments to explore strengths, interests, and preferences
Evaluate overall candidate profile from a college admissions perspective
Provide ongoing guidance on college list development based on academic profile and personal attributes and preferences
Provide direction to explore colleges both in-person and virtually
Assist with major and career exploration
Advise on standardized testing strategy
Advise on academic course planning
Recommend ways to expand extracurricular involvement, set goals for current activities
Brainstorm summer plans and activities
Discuss strategy for teacher recommendations
Offer resources and guidance on how to navigate the financial aid process (for informational purposes only. IGNITE is not a financial advising company)
Senior Year:
Conduct a family meeting to finalize college list (including likely, target, and reach colleges) and application plans (including Early Decision, Early Action, Rolling, and Regular Decision)
With student, develop strengths-based college application themes and strategy
Develop timeline and work plan, and provide project / time management support for the entire application process. Includes a college application organizer and project planning template
Provide overview of Common Application (and/or Coalition Application, institutional applications) components and how to complete them
Assist with personal statement essay (includes topic brainstorming, story line development, and grammatical editing. IGNITE will not write essays for clients)
Assist with college-specific supplemental essays and questions
Assist with development of activities resume
Review completed application materials (all application materials, both online and on paper, must be completed by the client)
Prepare for admissions interviews (if applicable)
Advise on any recommended correspondence with colleges
Provide guidance on college selection after admissions decisions have been made by colleges
Junior/Senior Strategy Session
Offered Junior Spring through Senior Fall; Subject to Availability
A personalized college admissions strategy session split into two meetings, aimed at helping the student compile an ideal target college list and a plan for application completion.
Meeting #1:
Conduct a comprehensive review of student’s admissions profile including academic performance, test scores, extracurricular activities, and personal characteristics
Explore ideal college characteristics through assessment tools and conversation
Review student’s current college/program list
Provide insight into the college admissions process
Meeting #2:
Provide feedback on college list including assessing admissions chances at selected colleges and suggesting additional colleges based on academic profile and preferences
Offer advice on application strategies and a timeline for preparation and submission
"Junior Essentials" Mini Package
Beginning Winter of client’s High School Junior year
Includes 13 hours of IGNITE consultant’s time. Hours include both live meetings with student and consultant’s time conducting research or materials review on behalf of student. Working sessions and check-in meetings to be scheduled at the convenience of IGNITE and the client. Students are expected to put in additional hours of independent work time in between sessions, and must agree to meet internal deadlines specified by IGNITE. Package includes:
One meeting January/February:
Provide insight into the college admissions process, and a timeline for preparation
Evaluate overall candidate profile from a college admissions perspective
Advise on academic course planning
Explore ideal college characteristics
Provide initial guidance on college list development based on academic profile and personal attributes and preferences
Provide direction to explore colleges and majors both in-person and virtually
One meeting March/April:
Discuss initial college/major research; provide additional suggestions
Administer and interpret personal surveys and assessments as needed
Brainstorm summer plans and activities
One meeting May/June:
Refine college target list
Finalize summer plans
Discuss strategy for teacher recommendations
Provide overview of application platforms/processes and prepare for summer application kickoff
10 additional hours in Summer/early Fall:
To be customized based on student’s needs. Components may include:
Common Application support
Personal Statement essay brainstorm, review, and feedback
Activities section brainstorming, review, and feedback
Strategy for college-specific supplemental essays and questions
Review of completed application materials
Hourly Services
Subject to Availability. Specific services (e.g., college list consultation, essay services, application review) to be agreed upon by Ignite, Client, and Responsible Party
IGNITE College and Career Consulting’s services are advisory in nature. We do not and cannot guarantee client admission or financial aid packages for any college or university, nor can we guarantee job or internship offers or salaries.